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Aethicz Biolife

Zarywin Hair Growth Oil (New Pack) - Saw Palmetto & Pumpkin Seed Oil for Strong and Healthy Hair | 100ml

Zarywin Hair Growth Oil (New Pack) - Saw Palmetto & Pumpkin Seed Oil for Strong and Healthy Hair | 100ml

Regular price Rs. 295.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 295.00
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Try Zarywin Hair Growth Oil. It's packed with Saw Palmetto, Pumpkin Seed Oil, and Rosemary Extract for strong, beautiful hair.

Key Ingredients:

  • Saw Palmetto
  • Pumpkin Seed Oil
  • Rosemary Essential Oil Extract
  • Argan Oil
  • Sebal Extract
  • Olive Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Vitamin E Oil
  • Amla Oil Extract
  • Tulsi Oil Extract
  • Cedarwood Oil
  • Vegetable Oil

Key Benefits:

  1. Better Hair Quality: Zarywin Oil naturally boosts and improves your hair's quality.

  2. Stronger Hair: Thanks to ingredients like Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin Seed Oil, your hair gets stronger, reducing breakage.

  3. Thicker Hair: Regular use leads to fuller-looking hair.

  4. Revitalized Hair: Its unique blend of extracts revitalizes your hair, making it look healthier and livelier.

  5. Enhanced Appearance: Continued use results in an overall improvement in your hair's look and feel.

Directions for Use:

Massage Zarywin Hair Growth Oil in a circular motion onto the scalp before bedtime for optimal absorption. Repeat at least thrice a week for best results.

Safety Information:

Always read the label before use. Store in a cool, dry place.

Best Suited For:

  • Hair Fall Relief
  • Premature Greying of Hair
  • Hair Growth Problem

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1: How does Zarywin Hair Growth Oil compare to other hair oils on the market?
A1: Zarywin Hair Growth Oil stands out due to its potent blend of ingredients specifically designed to enhance hair quality and strength.

Q2: Can Zarywin Hair Growth Oil help with hair loss or thinning hair?
A2: Yes, Zarywin Hair Growth Oil is formulated with ingredients like Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin Seed Oil, known for their potential to strengthen hair and reduce breakage, which can contribute to addressing hair loss concerns.

Q3: Are there any specific tips for applying Zarywin Hair Growth Oil for maximum effectiveness?
A3: For best results, gently massage the oil into the scalp and hair, ensuring even distribution, and leave it on for a few hours or overnight before washing it out.
Q4: Does Zarywin Hair Growth Oil have a scent, and if so, what does it smell like?
A4: Zarywin Hair Growth Oil has a pleasant natural scent, primarily due to the botanical ingredients like Rosemary Extract and Tea Tree Oil, which provide a refreshing and invigorating aroma.

Q5: Are there any potential side effects or precautions to consider when using Zarywin Hair Growth Oil?
A5: While Zarywin Hair Growth Oil is generally safe for use, individuals with allergies to specific botanical extracts should perform a patch test before applying it extensively.

Q6: Is Zarywin Hair Growth Oil suitable for use on chemically-treated or color-treated hair?
A6: Yes, Zarywin Hair Growth Oil is safe to use on chemically-treated or color-treated hair and can help nourish and strengthen such hair types.

Q7: Can Zarywin Hair Growth Oil be used as a leave-in treatment or should it be washed out?
A7: Zarywin Hair Growth Oil can be used as a leave-in treatment for a more intensive nourishing effect, but it can also be washed out after a few hours.

Q8: Are there any additional benefits to using Zarywin Hair Growth Oil aside from hair growth?
A8: Yes, besides promoting hair growth, Zarywin Hair Growth Oil can also improve hair quality, thickness, and overall appearance.

Q9: Does Zarywin Hair Growth Oil contain any artificial ingredients or harsh chemicals?
A9: No, Zarywin Hair Growth Oil is formulated with natural ingredients and does not contain any artificial additives or harsh chemicals.

Q10: Are there any recommended hairstyles or hair care routines to complement the use of Zarywin Hair Growth Oil?
A10: Incorporating gentle hair care routines, such as using a wide-tooth comb and avoiding excessive heat styling, can complement the benefits of Zarywin Hair Growth Oil for healthier and stronger hair.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Pankaj tripathi
Must buy for Hair Thinning Problems

I am using it for 2 months and Its really effective in my hair thinning problem